mom makers: meet modern doll studio

mom makers: meet modern doll studio
This Mother's Day week, we are highlighting a few incredible Mom Makers that inspire us. Today's highlight features Kate Saffady (mom of 3) and her company Modern Doll Studio. Her belief is that all kids should have dolls that represent themselves and others, and Modern Doll Studio makes that possible. She has devoted the last 2.5 years to her small business while also raising three kids, ages 18months, 6, and 15. Talk about hard work!


Q. What is your favorite product you are making right now?

A. My (current) favorite products are the dolls in our Petite Collection. These dolls are smaller than our classic dolls and it's a lot of fun to work in a different scale.

Q. How do you balance MOM-ing and MAKING?

A. By staying up late! I get most of my making done after the little kids have gone to bed.

Q. How would your kiddos describe what you do? Feel free to have them answer this question!

A. According to my 6 year old, Pierce, "Mom sews dolls and takes lots of photos"

Q. Any advice would you give to budding lil’ makers?

A. I teach sewing to kids and I always tell them sewing is an art and everyone knows that there are no mistakes in art. If something doesn't turn out the way you thought it would you can always change it or cut it up into beautiful scraps...a scrap collection is a beautiful thing.

Q. Is it a family affair? Do your kiddos help you with your business?

A. Yes! everyone in my house is involved! My teenage son drops our packages off for shipping. His friends think it's hilarious that he has to ship dolls out. My 6 year old, Pierce, is the most involved. He helps with everything from modeling for my Instagram, to helping design, and stuff the dolls. He is also a budding little maker himself and loves to sew.
Check out Kate's dolls at:
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